Tuesday, September 4, 2012

You call it adult ADD, I call it....look a kitty!

My thoughts have a tendency to jump around like rabbits hopped up on cocaine and pixie sticks. Every once in a while one of these thoughts gets a little sticky (probably from the pixies sticks) and stays with me a while. Sometimes I even think the idea is good. One of these sticky little hopped up rabbit-ideas was to start a blog, and so I did.

Unlike many blogs who later get a facebook page too, I started as a facebook page and got a blog. I just found that sometimes I had too damn much to say about one thing or another. I'm certainly not a writer, and I'm not going to pretend to be. Like the stuff I post on facebook this content will mostly be whatever comes to mind in it's purest, unedited form (except for spelling and some grammatical quirks because that shit left alone makes me crazy.) It's not going to be the best writing but I will promise you that all of it will be real.

To give you a little insight, here's my description on my facebook page:

 I'm the Momma in a blended family of seven, yes, seven. Between my husband and I we have 5 children. My 19 year-old step-daughter lives away with her 3 year-old son. I have two boys from a previous marriage, 10 and 8 years-old. We share two daughters, ages 3 and 1.

This page is to share the ups and downs, the laughter and....well, mostly the laughter but let's not forget chaos of family life. Th
is page is meant for fun. I'm sure I'll get serious from time to time, but I try to keep those times to a minimum. Even the serious stuff I try to find a way to laugh at.

Here's my disclaimer....I'm occasionally, well...maybe a bit more than occasionally vulgar. Don't like it, don't like my page simple as that. Discussion is encouraged. Disrespect anyone or want to whine and complain you know where the fucking door is, if not I'll drag you there kicking, screaming and blocked all the way there. Any questions? That was rhetorical by the way, I've answered enough today :P
This blog will kind of follow the same format. I'll be posting here and on my facebook page. Sometimes it'll be funny, other times it might be a little more serious, a little closer to home, but mostly it'll be funny. 
That said, I'd like to give you a brief intro of the cast of real people, not like in The Real World, but actual people you'll see mentioned regularly here.
The matriarch of the clan
Basics: Has a degree in art education. Spent the last few years working with special needs children and is currently working full time at a call center providing tech support.
Strengths: Sarcasm, ability to laugh at almost anything, oh yeah and there's that whole unconditional love thing.
Weaknesses: Organization, super organized with some things, completely not with others. Pepsi and junkfood. Faulty mouth-filter.

The paternal-type figure
Basics: Late 30's geek that does tech support and generally hates people.
Strengths: Movie buff, and knows almost all things geek, relates to kids because he is simply a large version.
Weaknesses: Hoards random shit. spends more time trying to get out of doing something than actually doing it

 The Professor
At 10, he's the oldest child still living at home 
Basics: At 10 he's my geeky little man, into Dr Who, Ben 10, Pokemon and video games. Like all 10 year-olds he thinks he knows everything about everything.
Strengths: Sensitive, mostly kind, bookworm, quirky, unique and just a bit awkward
Weaknesses: PTSD, ADD, and he can never keep his glasses from sliding down his nose.
Mischievous Middle
 The second boy in the line-up
Basics: At 8 years-old he's already been suspended and had the cops called on him, but in all honesty for doing normal, mischievous kid stuff like peeing on a USPS truck.
Strengths: He's a classic boy, give him a tree he'll climb it. He's the comic of the group.
Weaknesses: Trouble, he always seems to find it. He means well, but man!
Little Mother
Momma's mini
Basics: She's 3 and follows Momma and the brother's everywhere and tells everyone what to do in the cutest way possible
Strengths: She's independent and sassy, absolutely fearless. Not to mention adorable.
Weaknesses: Thinks she can get away with anything by batting her eyes and saying sorry, forgets she isn't in charge.
The Babe with the Power
 The youngest of our clan
 Basics: Just turned a year and has everyone wrapped around her teeny fingers.
Strengths: This pic doesn't do her adorable curls justice, they're so flipping cute I can't stand it! I could gobble her right up. She's the quietest of the bunch... most of the time, also the most cuddly
Weaknesses: Will eat anything off the floor regardless of age or edibility. Can out-scream almost anyone in the house when upset or excited.
My adult step-daughter
Basics: Collegiate single mother of a 3 year-old son
Strengths: Intellegent, sarcastic, making the very best out of being a teenage mom, doesn't care what others think
Weaknesses: Little on the Emo side, ok, more than a little
StepN's 3 year-old son
Basics: The little man that changed my step-daughter's life
Strengths: Silly, rough-and-tumble little boy
Weaknesses: Can be a little temperamental

So there you have it. I may introduce more people, like my sister and dad and other important people, as they start making recurring appearances in my blog, but these are the biggies for now.

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